Deleting tags…
- profile 6
- roman polanski 2
- stan brakhage 2
- the boys in the band 2
- ....
- aaron sorkin
- another round
- army of shadows
- bay of angels
- black girl
- blow the man down
- bob balaban
- bob dylan
- brandon cronenberg
- bridget savage cole
- bullitt
- cul de sac
- d. a. pennebaker
- damnit
- danielle krudy
- darius marder
- david fincher
- david lean
- dick johnson is dead
- doctor zhivago
- dog star man
- dont look back
- faces
- favorite movie
- feel good
- first cow
- forugh farrokhzad
- fuck war
- george kuchar
- god is dead
- godard
- hawks and sparrows
- health
- hold me while i'm naked
- horrid
- how to succeed in business and some other bullshit
- i love you all
- if
- in the year of the pig
- ingmar bergman
- its a scream baby
- jacques demy
- james stewart
- jean pierre melville
- joe mantello
- john cassavetes
- juraj herz
- kelly reichardt
- kenneth anger
- kirsten johnson
- knife in the water
- late autumn
- lindsay anderson
- mademoiselle
- mank
- matt wolf
- not the 2010 version
- ousmane sembene
- parents
- peter yates
- pier paolo pasolini
- possessor
- prelude
- randy quaid
- rip
- rocco and his brothers
- roger corman
- sad boi
- samuel fuller
- scenes from under childhood
- scorpio rising
- scream 6
- sidney salkow
- sound of metal
- spaceship earth
- succession meme
- tasteless
- ted kotcheff
- the color of pomegranates
- the cremator
- the devil's eye
- the haunted palace
- the house is black
- the jungle book
- the last man on earth
- the naked kiss
- the raven
- the trial of the chicago 7
- this sporting life
- tony richardson
- ubaldo ragona
- vivre sa vie
- wavelength
- weekend at bernie's
- who the hell are any of you
- why?
- william friedkin
- wolfgang reitherman
- woman in the dunes
- yasujirō ozu
- yawn