Nothing scarier than an european clown - gonna make a self-indulgent performance and get pissed when they don’t get the corresponding cheer.
Just like directors today <3.
U got two slay actresses in their peak? Why not run the movie’s ending to the ground.
Thomasin McKenzie in particular is given a very juicy role to chew on.
To the movie’s credit it had me until the end, but completely missed the mark with the climax to the commentary it started…a shame.
Feels like something’s missing, almost akin to a short story in nature.
While some of the changes from the book I appreciate, some key plot points and characterization were lost in the process.
Furthermore, in order to fight the bleakness of the original story, M. Night chooses to change the themes and message conveyed in it, leaving a feeling pf pointlessness to the whole experience.
Regardless, giving the cast their 10s for being excellent all around; also some of the best camerawork considering shyamalan’s projects that I have seen before.