Thomas McDonald

Thomas McDonald Patron

I have a soft spot for superheroes, Christmas, and stuff from my childhood. Bite me if you think I’m rating them too high.

Favorite films

  • Titanic
  • Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • King Kong

Recent activity

  • I Wanna Be a Sailor


  • Fox Pop


  • It's a Hap-Hap-Happy Day


  • Fire Cheese


Pinned reviews

  • The Wolf and the Lion

    The Wolf and the Lion

    What I can only assume Dreamer did to that swat team off screen:

  • FX's A Christmas Carol

    FX's A Christmas Carol

    If at the end of your adaptation of A Christmas Carol your audience feels depressed and helpless you clearly haven’t made an effective version of this story, I’d dare say you don’t understand what this story is actually about. 

    Here they have pushed Scrooge to a new level of nasty that makes him unredeemable. Knight claims that his goal was to “make us understand why Scrooge is Scrooge” and yet he spends more than half of the film blaming the woes…

Recent reviews

  • Fire Cheese

    Fire Cheese


    I have had the vague ring of this short stuck in my head for years. It was on a VHS I remember watching a lot when I was no more than five and I’ve been trying to hunt it down ever since.

    After finally finding it… this was fine.

  • Darby O'Gill and the Little People

    Darby O'Gill and the Little People


    Even knowing a lot of this was forced perspective I’m still stuck scratching my head trying to figure out how they did some of this.

Popular reviews

  • The Little Drummer Boy Book II

    The Little Drummer Boy Book II


    Ah yes this drum made by some random asshole will certainly replace the drum given to Aaron by his dead father.

  • Men



    The scariest part of this movie is all the film bros that will mansplain what this film means to unsuspecting women.