

Favorite films

  • The Exorcist
  • Freaked
  • Crash
  • Raising Arizona

Recent activity

  • My Darling Clementine


  • The Monkey


  • Waking Ned Devine


  • The Bad Seed


Recent reviews

  • My Darling Clementine

    My Darling Clementine


    gorgeous shots, but the plot was pretty lame,, like the titular character wasn't even like in the movie, she showed up and then they completely turned around and focused on other things,, idk didn't feel impactful—just the compositions

  • The Monkey

    The Monkey


    first movie of Perkins that I kinda liked, usually I'm dragging myself through the end of them (maybe its bc he didn't solely write this one),, was it perfect, not at all, but it was some goofy horror fun

Popular reviews

  • Moonrise Kingdom

    Moonrise Kingdom


    this was unbelievably stiff,, the plot was incredibly surface level and the subplots were even thinner,, the majority of the movie was clunky when it wasn't just out-right boring,, nothing felt real,, it was like Anderson had to pay a few bills and threw this shit together,, plus it was really uncomfortable to watch children be put in sexual situations/alluding to situations - that didn't need to be there, you can have a forbidden romance story without that shit,, I don't think I'll ever watch this again

  • Moneyball



    I would've rather watched a actual game of baseball
