cowboys, criminals, caped crusaders and creatures mostly.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
How exactly does one write about their favorite movie?
Whenever I sink back into the touch of Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, my love for cinema is rekindled and burns as bright as the neon glow of the El Coyote. It’s like getting behind the wheel and embarking on a peaceful evening drive. Comfort food for the soul, a trip back to the best summer of my life. To a time where I sat down…
“For me, the sun rises and sets with her, man.”
Mann’s great tragedy.
Writing about the masterwork that is Heat is hard to do. This isn’t just a film that I love. It’s one that I rank in the absolute highest of esteem. My second favorite film of all time. Sometimes I wonder if it’s my favorite. Truth is, I owe a lot to it. A lot. I think a lot of the avenues that I would embark…
I hate saying this because it always makes you sound as if you didn’t engage with the film in any meaningful way but— sorry: this is so goddamn boring. On paper, should be an easy slam dunk to win me over. I’m a fan of basically everybody involved in it. Kris Kristofferson is maybe my favorite musical white boy (tied only with Springsteen) and he would go on to be what I’d call a contender for the best musician-turned-actor we’d ever…
The most evergreen advice I’ve been given in recent months: when you’re watching a David Lynch work, you just have to trust it. Won’t do you any good to go in feeling like he’s made something you have to outsmart or piece together before the credits can roll. Four films and eleven episodes of Twin Peaks later, and I’ve come to find that that’s exactly how to engage…
“This is our last dance.”
Or: “How come you and mom say ‘love you’?”
At one point in our lives, we all think of our parents as idyllic entities that exist to always have the answers and to always be there when we need somebody to be. It’s hard to imagine that there could be flaws, there could be darkness in the hearts of the people that most directly and intimately mold them. In my experience, a big part of…
“I’m something different.”
Think I was wrong in my initial review of the fifth installment because, clearly, that knife is still razor sharp. Handily the darkest that they’ve ever gone within this series, Scream VI makes good (mostly) on its promise and delivers something largely unique and new to this time honored franchise. There’s an angrier, seedier tone this time around and it warrants the change in setting to New York City, a concrete jungle that’s every bit as dangerous…