Tom Hurrell

Tom Hurrell

Favorite films

  • 12 Angry Men
  • La La Land
  • The Batman
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Recent activity

  • The Dark Knight Rises


  • Rango


  • Bullet Train


  • Passage of Venus


Recent reviews

  • The Dark Knight Rises

    The Dark Knight Rises


    Just simply not as a good as its predecessors. I can’t fault anyone involved, clearly Nolan had to drop his original idea when Heath Ledger passed and he lost a bit of motivation and you can feel it here. Some incredible and powerful moments especially surrounding the Pit and incredible performances especially from Cat-woman and Bane (who carries this film through aesthetic alone, thank you Tom Hardy) can’t lift up a very passable script and set pieces that just don’t…

  • Rango



    Happy Rangiversary! Completely by chance we chose to rewatch this move the day it came out.

    Genuinely possibly the best western film of the 21st century - a fun Johnny depp comedy for the first half that drops the facade halfway through and goes all in on its world. Visually the CGi is so impressive for its time and makes the characters endearingly ugly throughout. The designs themselves are also gorgeous in that sense, from the chicken with an arrow…

Popular reviews

  • Henry Danger: The Movie

    Henry Danger: The Movie


    A beautiful work of art. Some hot men throughout. I’ve never watched the tv show.

    Watched at home with Eli Isaac Alice Aimee and Nye

  • Knives Out

    Knives Out


    Ryan Johnston the man that you are I will defend his films till I’m dead.

    Such a well put together film that is both genuine and serious yet hugely campy and fun.

    Watched at home with Eli
