Lynn S.

Lynn S.

Favorite films

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Interstellar
  • Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Recent activity

  • Perfect Blue


  • A Little Princess


  • Dead Poets Society


  • Hereditary


Recent reviews

  • Perfect Blue

    Perfect Blue


    I can’t believe I JUST watched this masterpiece as a self-claimed movie buff. The most genius film I’ve seen in years. It’s disturbing, deeply terrifying and way ahead of its time. It perfectly demonstrates what’s a story to be experienced rather than a puzzle to be solved.

    I can foresee myself watching it tirelessly for god knows how many more times by how I’m still lingering over it hours after I watched it. I’m saving Satoshi Kon’s films only for special occasions from now on.

  • A Little Princess

    A Little Princess


    One of the earliest films I’ve watched. I remember I was amazed by the magic, the music, and learned the very first time to always be kind as a 9yo.

    So I lent the DVD to my then-best-friend, and she returned it the next day and told me “I didn’t watch it because my mom told me it was too sad and she didn’t want me to cry.” I was and am still confused. Shouldn’t we let kids know tears and laughs are all part of life, and they are all beautiful experiences that ought not to be discriminated?

  • Dead Poets Society

    Dead Poets Society


    A truly beautiful, inspiring, soul touching film.

    To quote Mr Keating “The human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for."

    Don’t we all?

  • Hereditary



    I screamed when I saw the head fell and imagined all the possible ways it could scare the shit out of me, but instead I laughed out loud when the mom ascended and flew headlessly out of the window.
    Unpopular opinion- good film but ridiculously not scary.