

i review every movie I watch bc people should have more opinions abt non-important things!!

Favorite films

  • Rye Lane
  • Sorry to Bother You
  • Polite Society
  • Perfect Days

Recent activity

  • Daddy

  • Roll Bounce

  • It's What's Inside

  • Anora

Recent reviews

  • Daddy


    hmmmmmm uhmmmmm idk the chemistry wasn’t there rlly and I think had it been, it would’ve been sweeter

  • Roll Bounce

    Roll Bounce

    LOVE a team-building montage <3

    Bow Wow is such a light i want to see him in MORE MOVIES pls

    it's sooo weird to me when older characters have stinky beef with younger characters like why are you such a hater let the youth have FUN!!

Popular reviews

  • The Cat in the Hat

    The Cat in the Hat

    tHIS is how you do a “based on” movie. completely unhinged. succinct vibe, costuming (sometimes questionable), scenery. fucking cinema !! also the mom is part of why I’m a lesbian now and the random rave scene with Paris Hilton is so silly. 
    this is sO much better to watch as an adult but little me was also obsessed with it

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