

Favorite films

  • Point Break
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • The Dark Knight

Recent activity

  • In the Heart of the Sea


  • Warcraft


  • Carry-On


  • It's What's Inside


Recent reviews

  • In the Heart of the Sea

    In the Heart of the Sea


    Moby Dick is kind of a dick. 
    Bad ass cast, but not sure why an Australian dude was living in 1820s Massachusetts.

  • Warcraft



    Been binge playing World of Warcraft as of late, so I had to go back and give this a rewatch. My goodness I can totally understand the hate for this movie for non WoW players, non gamers or just casual movie watchers in general, but if you played the game at all you gotta appreciate it. 
    A pretty good movie adaption for a video game which is pretty rare. The orcs looked so bad ass in this as well.

Popular reviews

  • Carry-On



    A thriller following probably the most push over airport cop ever fighting against a terrorist attack. Paul Blart would have had this mission shutdown and complete within the hour is all I’m saying. Excitement throughout the whole film nonetheless. I will say Jason Bateman as the antagonist was a surprise. I will also add that I will definitely be observing and judging people’s carry ons from afar in my future travels. 
    Netflix has been putting out some heat!

  • Nosferatu



    Where does one even begin after seeing all that? I'll keep it short and sweet. All the emotions felt after viewing is the reason for the 5 stars. A dark fantasy, horror, mystery and romance (?) masterclass. The cinematography and acting was the cherry on top as well. Skarsgård is climbing the horror icons ladder with this role, and Willem Defoe, you god damn legend, thank you for making this movie even better. Thanks for making Vampires scary again. 5 stars for you Nosferatu, aka Mr. StealYoGirl.