LA film school student
“We always Vape out here”
Blade Runner 2049 was taken off streaming so I made an executive decision to switch to Arrival for my 3rd personal breakdown:
The music and sound was the biggest take away from me in this one. Which makes so much sense as the films drive is communicating with different languages to be as one and no matter what language you understand, the sound effects and score are able to be understood and digested in any language to give a viewer…
Random class/project thoughts tonight:
Deakons does it again. Lighting in this move went absolutely hard, Dano’s character being in the shower is some frames that will haunt me for awhile. The compositions were very simple but great/monumental for the story.
Noticed a lot less camera movement in this one compared to sicario tho, although it does make sense as sicario is much more thriller and action where this one is a slower burn mystery. Not to say this one still…