I don't favourite
Movies are art, you either love them or just consider them to exist.

Favorite films

  • Taxi Driver
  • Rain Man
  • A Clockwork Orange
  • Psycho

Recent activity

  • Predator 2


  • The Fly


  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1


  • The Warriors


Recent reviews

  • Predator 2

    Predator 2


    It was horrific, there are some many reasons why I generally hate this film, the dialogue is so pathetic, that at the end they just resite the first movie, and they make a scene from the wizard of Oz to be a very tense and serious moment.

    It was very bad acting and the films visual effects, most of the time they didn't need to be there, it's like the company just found new editing styles, and instead of being…

  • The Fly

    The Fly


    You know even a fly would have been disgusted at the sight of this is what a depiction of a humanoid fly, yeah I know it's suppose to be a horror version, but really I would have laughed during the reading of the script.

    Though it has some great acting moments and the shots can pretty much tell the scene, a fly.

Popular reviews

  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1

    Kill Bill: Vol. 1


    Tarantinos art has a blood splatter on me, he really embraced the violence to all its meaning, he made one of the best action movies and closing to a film, the end fight scene is been mentioned in the hall of fame of cinema more than pulp fiction, and a new born baby knows what pulp fiction is.

    The Cinematography is stunning and memorises the audience, no matter the amount of blood that is produced from an arm detaching from its owner. Every shot is its own emotion and words can not explain the film it's self.

  • Black Swan

    Black Swan


    The art of perfection is a one way to psychological issues, as in this film she thrives for a goal to make everyone and mainly herself a good enough.

    It's scary to see the transition to sane then not so sane. The film has a deeper meaning, showing the audience the cause and effect of what could and probably will happen if you take things that aren't meant to be perfect, and we'll make them perfect.

    Natalie portmans performance was…
