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...trying to learn about cinema
perplexed by this
vastly overrated
there is one shot near the end where the frame is broken in half by a lamp post with Antonio on the right and the unguarded bike on the left - this is good
there are some shots by the bridge which are nice
a few more at the play rehearsal
but certainly no stunners
the use of music is lacking
the kid is charming, yes
however, having seen this in the cinema on a…
Prince Charles (70mm)
It's strange how only a handful of films compare even ever so slightly favorably to 2001 : A Space Odyssey
If pushed I could leave "The Dawn of Man"
Visually it is not on the same level as the rest of the film
However, it is important narratively and of course we have the triumpant cut from bone to space station
There is a formal tripartite structure to the film
From "the acts" to "the moon,…
Prince Charles (35mm)
Lumet is good
I need to do a proper study
Dog Day Afternoon and Network share some themes : media, communications, public opinion, authority
These themes are communicated through visual objects : megaphones, cameras, microphones, televisions, police cars, ambulances, phones, crowds, etc.
I like this. I don't know if the rest of his films are similar in nature
Is this social realism?
Al Pacino is outstanding
This I believe is the first of his explosive roles :…