Jonah W

Jonah W

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Whiplash
  • Spirited Away
  • Your Name.

Recent activity

  • Win or Lose


  • The Incredibles


  • Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie




Recent reviews

  • Win or Lose

    Win or Lose


    Dude holy shit this show is actually super good. I am a bit Pixar fan but this show blew my expectations completely out of the water. I remember when they first announced it and I was pretty excited and it completely delivered. The animation is stunning and the characters look great. The pacing is super well done and everything feels connected together perfectly. The characters are so damn good. I enjoyed almost all the characters and even the ones I…

  • The Incredibles

    The Incredibles


    The Incredibles is an absolute classic and I don't know why I hadn't seen it before. I really came close to giving this a 5 stars, it doesn't hit any personal notes for me but damn is it good. I really don't have any problems with the movie, it is prime Pixar. The movie feels like it was written for both adults and kids and that's what makes it so special. There were tons of jokes kid me wouldn't have…

Popular reviews

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


    This is my favorite MCU movie. 

    I genuinely couldn't be happier to say that this feels like the most complete marvel movie out of all of them. Every single aspect of it seems perfected to be such a satisfying conclusion to my favorite marvel trilogy.

    Every character in this has an amazing arc that feels incredibly completed. I was thinking of naming standout characters but they are almost all equally amazing. Every song in this hits insanely hard. The BEST…




    Oddtaxi is an absolute masterpiece of a story, and it will stick with me for a while. I really can't say much about it without spoiling, but this show is just fantastic. The animation is good looking, it's incredibly well written and the characters are great. Odokawa gets ton of great development and really all the characters do. The story is where this show shines. It really gets you hooked and god damn in the finale amazing. Maybe the best…