Meowscular Chef!
Most accurate video game adaptation I’ve seen. Lots of monster fun, and Jaa and Jovovich playing Enemy Mine, I just wish it had an ending...
Meowscular Chef!
Most accurate video game adaptation I’ve seen. Lots of monster fun, and Jaa and Jovovich playing Enemy Mine, I just wish it had an ending...
This was a very interesting film. It was meant to be pro-communist propaganda. Its odd as everything they trash the old regime for only intensified under Castro. There were some very interestingly filmed portions of this, though I feel the first extravagant vignette is the best of the film. It details a woman's life being destroyed by the influence of nightclubs and rich people. This segment interested me as it somewhat showed how the people of Cuba viewed the people…
Well. This was something. I guess part of it this is one of those films that gets hyped as a horror film when its really a slow, uneventful drama with a few horror elements towards the end. Which isn't what I was expecting from something that is often hyped as one of the best Japanese horror films.
If you are expecting a horror film, stay away. If you want a pretty drama about a handful of…