That Was A Bit Mental

That Was A Bit Mental

A website dedicated to reviews of films that are a little less than sensible.

Favorite films

  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Requiem for a Dream
  • The Exorcist
  • Dawn of the Dead

Recent activity

  • Humanoids from the Deep


  • The Company of Wolves


  • Paranormal Activity


Recent reviews

  • Humanoids from the Deep

    Humanoids from the Deep


    When all’s said and done, you can’t beat a good Roger Corman film. Corman is the godfather of B-movie cinema and has produced well over 300 low-budget films over the past 50 years, the vast majority of which have been cheesy horror films heaving with gore, titillation or both. Humanoids From The Deep falls into the “both” category and is silly fun, though there it does have one or two questionable moments.

    Please read the rest at

  • The Company of Wolves

    The Company of Wolves


    Director Neil Jordan is perhaps best known for his contributions to the vampire genre (Interview With The Vampire) and the “chicks with dicks” genre (The Crying Game) but in the ‘80s he also lent his directorial skills to a nifty little werewolf film called The Company Of Wolves, a film so rich in imagery and metaphor that its ideas and themes are still heavily discussed more than 25 years after it was originally released.

    For the rest of my review please head to

  • Paranormal Activity

    Paranormal Activity


    Properly scary