
Anthony Patron

One bad decision away from starring in my own horror movie. I hope the soundtrack will be good.

Favorite films

  • The Evil Dead
  • Trainspotting
  • Parasite
  • Scream

Recent activity

  • This Is It


  • Leprechaun 4: In Space


  • Men in Black II


  • Evil Toons


Recent reviews

  • Hannah Montana: The Movie

    Hannah Montana: The Movie


    My wife made me watch this...honestly not bad.

  • Candyman



    Watching Candyman for the second time has only solidified it as one of my favorite horror films. Bernard Rose’s adaptation of Clive Barker’s short story isn’t just unsettling—it’s haunting in a way that lingers long after the credits roll.

    At its core, Candyman is a film about stories, the ones we tell and the ones we believe in, and how they shape the world around us. The urban legend at its center feels just as relevant today as it did…

Popular reviews

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    This film made me leave the theatre with a new perspective on life. Easily one of the best of 2023.

  • Cabin Fever

    Cabin Fever


    Cabin Fever is criminally underrated. There’s no way the over-the-top camp wasn’t intentional, and honestly, that’s what makes it so fun. This is the perfect movie to laugh with—and sometimes laugh at. (Pancakes, anyone??) Between the nonstop nods to horror classics and some seriously effective practical effects, you’re in for a weirdly entertaining time. Just don’t expect serious scares. Lean into the absurdity, embrace the camp, and enjoy the ride.
