Tyler Mayer

Tyler Mayer Patron

Favorite films

  • The Matrix Revolutions
  • Pulp Fiction
  • Cloverfield
  • The Irishman

Recent activity

  • Bad Guys


  • Bubble Boy


  • Kraven the Hunter


  • Repossessed


Recent reviews

  • Kraven the Hunter

    Kraven the Hunter


    I'm definitely being biased here but it was so nice to see a competent Rhino character.

  • Repossessed



    Best part was Mean Gene and The Body doing commentary for what felt like half the film.

    Never did I expect to witness Gene Okurland utter "nice tits", but that's part for the course for this film.

Popular reviews

  • Stavros Halkias: Fat Rascal

    Stavros Halkias: Fat Rascal


    Is this what it's like to watch your friends succeed? First my best friend Nick, and now his (ex)husband Stavros. 

    But seriously, it was alright. Intro was funny as shit. He goes right into crowd work though, and then... I don't know. It's the same thing as last time, and this time it didn't land. Love Stavvy though and I wish him the best, but we get it... you love sex and you love crowd work. None of the other…

  • Nosferatu



    Definitely a bit hard to digest almost 100 years later, but an achievement none the less. With no sound, etc the reveal of Nosferatu is still goosebump inducing.