no one judge my film taste
i am aware that it is pretty bad sometimes, and no i do not care <3
Considering how I have seen this film before and read the book, I couldn't have told you anything about it before rewatching it this time. It's interesting that this is the second Nicholas Sparks adaptation that I've rewatched and understood and enjoyed so much more the second time around, after Safe Haven.
This movie was sweet and moving and made me laugh and cry despite the very simple story.
I don't have much to say about this film, except that I like it, though I will most likely forget the plot again quite soon.
Ugh this is one of my favourite films but I have to constantly limit how often I watch it (like every few years limit) so there's enough time for me to forget everything and then watch again. It's so so good, so beautifully done and acted, despite the truly horrifying plot.
It's so simple in style and story but executed so brilliantly that you don't notice how little there it is because it's done so well. It shows you enough…
This is one where the concept was sooo interesting to me, but the execution was just okay. This film was trying to be too many things at once and I don't think it did a very good job of it. If you want to be a romance, be a romance, if you want to dissect a toxic relationship, do that, but this film did a mediocre job of juggling both of these things.
The protagonist was likable at first but…
Quite literally just an hour and a half of a girl being bullied and neglected by literally everyone. It was supposed to be darkly comedic but I didn't find any of it funny, just sad. There's no nice moments or something that I can point to and say I liked. It was just a film depicting bullying and not really saying anything about it.