Tojo Mama

Tojo Mama Pro

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • The Thing
  • The Evil Dead

Recent activity

  • Badlands


  • The Martian


  • The Northman


  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire


Pinned reviews

  • Her



    Warm, human, and utterly beautiful. As much about the ways we separate ourselves as it is about how we connect.

  • Green Room

    Green Room


    Fuckin' brutal. Like being stuck in a mosh you can't get out of during the fastest, loudest song you've ever heard. Anton Yelchin is irreplaceable.

Recent reviews

  • Badlands



    A gorgeously shot debut anchored by a staggering performance by Sheen. The ultimate power fantasy of every person who has ever led a dead-end life in a dead-end town.

  • The Martian

    The Martian


    Feel good films tend to be very hit or miss for me. Most of the time the emotions on display can be so saccharine that it's impossible for me to engage with the intended response from my end. The Martian is not like that at all. It felt real and true, and Damon's performance was tragic without being overpoweringly depressing. I rarely say this but it could have benefited from being even longer (I watched the extended cut, so it was already plenty damn long!) so I could see more problem-solving from Watney and the teams on Earth.

Popular reviews

  • Simon Sez

    Simon Sez


    Surreal in its attempt to be unironically cool, a fever dream of sheer insanity. A 14-year-old on mushroom's idea of what a spy thriller is like. So entertaining not even Dane Cook could ruin my good time.

  • Evil Dead II

    Evil Dead II


    Not as enamored with this one as I am the first but I have softened on it quite a lot. Credit to Bruce Campbell for that, who never isn't at near maniacal levels of cheese. Not as scary or grossly hilarious as the original so it loses a lot of that schlocky charm for me.