the guys just wanted to be dudes for a little while longer 😭
(1) wallace was being so mean to gromit, the boy jus wanna garden & read & not be impacted by the fast-paced life of technology :—(
(2) why can’t we just give feathers mcgraw the diamond, he wan it so bad and AI is ruining his home, so might as well give it to him for compensation
(3) the kintsugi teapot 💛🫖
(4) when friendship always win and is da real diamond, bada bing bada boom 🫶🏽💎
i want to live in the director of this movie’s brain
(1) we’re so back, in more ways that one
(2) i literally melted into this movie, so fun and eccentric and sardonic and moving and slapstick
(3) any movie with cute creatures that have a soft spot for people who have soft spots right back for them gets me good
(4) learning from different versions of you that then live on through a present self when the old versions pass…. the multitudes of selves… or rather multiples of selves