

Favorite films

  • Magnolia
  • Do the Right Thing
  • Frances Ha
  • Arrival

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  • Infinity Pool


  • Cold Mountain


  • Belfast


  • Juror #2


Recent reviews

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    Amongst his movies this is probably the best one with The Favourite being a close second. Although a very interesting movie, making very intricate and subtle connections such as the dissection of the human body to the dissection of human behavior, the search for understanding of the human anatomy to the understanding of the mind etc and many other interesting points, I just couldn't enjoy it as much as his other movies but this one is clearly better and pretty much flawless. If I were rating it, it would probably be a 8/10, I think it drags on a bit too long on some ideas.

  • Mamonas Assassinas: The Movie

    Mamonas Assassinas: The Movie


    Embarrassingly bad

    Assisti interessado na história da banda, me surpreendi como o filme é ruim, mal filmado, mal atuado etc. Não tem basicamente nada que se salve nisso. O filme se perde até na linha temporal, com pessoas agindo de forma atual: fazendo "coração" incessantemente no show como se tivesse alguém com um celular ali filmando pra postar, músicas atuais que não se encaixam. Atores e histórias sem carisma nenhum e que deixam até a impressão que foram fabricadas para…