

many unwatched good movies...

Favorite films

  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  • Look Back
  • Eraserhead
  • Cabaret

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  • News of the World


  • Leptirica


  • Nosferatu


  • Eyes Without a Face


Recent reviews

  • News of the World

    News of the World


    Geniunely a nice watch, I liked the pacing and even if the ending was predictable... Doesn't mean I didn't hope for that to happen either.

    Personally really loved the dessert wind scene, at first I thought they were hallucinating due to the lack of water which i think would have been a nice touch. But even it being as simple as that is nice too.

    Great watch for a super lazy Saturday!!

  • Leptirica



    actually really liked the movie! the characters are realistic in a comical way, everyone being too much of a coward to even go to the mill and just running away at any threat even the priest running had me in a laughing fit, somethings so appealing about all of them yelling and overlapping eachothers words when a conflict starts, especially when they were opening the coffin
    i know its based off a serbian myth however i dont know the full…

Popular reviews

  • Cabaret



    i hate how much the message of the film is missed, just because of the musical bits that got popular on tiktok

    im not some sort of early riser i watched it a year ago and still had enough comprehension skills to GET IT, it's even in the description of the movie that its happenig during world war II, its amazing and a fun watch that makes you sort of realize a lot of people lived normally even in the midst of chaos and bloodshed

  • Nosferatu



    ive always wondered what people thought of horror movies like this back then.... hmm

    composition is amazing I'm genuinely surprised with the shots especially on the ship and even the river where they were carrying the coffin, also the shadows!!!
