Deleting tags…
- japan 7
- that ost 6
- oh no the weird hot guy might be in love with me 5
- aesthethic 4
- mmm homoeroticism 4
- remarkable 4
- s y m b o l i s m 4
- anime 3
- edgy trenchcoat 3
- foot chase 3
- seen as child 3
- spiky hair 3
- toxic doomed yaoi 3
- cinematic anomaly 2
- industrial 2
- love in first sight 2
- mascot character 2
- school 2
- suffering mc 2
- troubled production 2
- vehicles goes boom 2
- c h r i s t i a n i t y
- class fight
- cyberpunk
- cyborg
- fight montage
- gaslight gatekeep girlboss
- goth
- guilty pleasure
- hinted narrative
- incompetent police
- leather of badassness
- literal ad
- literally
- mullets instensifies
- music video
- my poor child
- nonexistant police
- oddly relatable
- police chase
- poor little meow meow
- quality
- quirky protag
- road movie
- rushed filming
- serial killer
- source work: visual novel
- south korea
- southern gothic
- stranded on remote island
- sudden dance sequence out of nowhere
- usa
- will rewatch
- yakuza