Kelvin Teh

Kelvin Teh

Aspiring writer and a movie-goer

Favorite films

  • Waking Life
  • Peaceful Warrior
  • Good Will Hunting
  • The Man from Earth

Recent activity

  • Parasite


  • Little Women


  • Marriage Story


  • Frozen II


Recent reviews

  • Parasite



    Bong Joon-ho is a beast. The awe reviews from notable figures do not come unwarranted. Truth be told, Parasite is only the second film of the legendary Korean auteur I have watched—the other being Okja. Surprisingly, despite it rave reviews, Parasite have left me on a mixed route of emotions.

    First we are introduced to the downtrodden setting of South Korea’s streets where it host a family of 4 and their never-ending financial struggle of making ends meet. The scenes…

  • Little Women

    Little Women


    Going into Little Women I had no idea about the novel and what it was about—nothing about the plot and nothing about the characters, except for the fact that Emma Watson and Saoirse Ronan were in it.

    And guess what, I was glad that I was going in as naked as a newborn baby as the experience was breathtaking and brought me on an adventure that was melancholic.

    Following the lives of four women with four jarring personalities approaching the…

Popular reviews

  • Isabella



    Chapman To is notoriously known for his crappy movies and his "try-too-hard" mentality of being the next Stephen Chow. Surprisingly, 'Isabella' is completely different from his usual shenanigans.

    'Isabella' takes a lot of inspiration from Kar Wai's work and still manages to keep it authentic. In a way, this movie is less depressing as oppose to 'In the Mood for Love' or 'Chungking Express'. All of the said film uses the concept of forbidden love and the eccentrics of overly…

  • Wait 'Til You're Older

    Wait 'Til You're Older


    'Wait 'Til You're Older' is a cute attempt of a kid's time travel movie. It embodies a lot of family elements and to a grander scale, the hardships of "adulting".

    The movie started out immaturely with its goofy scenes and dumb moments. Andy Lau, as Kwong plays as this self-assumed matured kid and be as rebellious as he can be. Kwong's motivations for his obnoxious nature is very powerful, being the lost of his mother and his father remarrying allowing…