beautiful story/-looking movie. hot take: didn't change my life, though.
should have watched with subtitles given i don't know portuguese
beautiful story/-looking movie. hot take: didn't change my life, though.
should have watched with subtitles given i don't know portuguese
watched it last year and didn't review. can't tell this and daisy jones and the 6 apart except for how much more i enjoyed this and how i woulda loved to be that kid growing up. movie felt like a late-night movie-on-tv/flipping-through-channels find cuando ya la agarras un poco comenzada, pero te quedas pegado
Don't want to sound hateful, but I had such an awful time watching this I kept pausing to see how much time was left. Mexico is depicted as it is in Spy Kids 1, music didn't hit, I cannot feel sorry for an ex-drug lord despite how "nice" they are now, Selena Gomez needs a better agent, I can tell the shooting locations are geographically-challenged, hella plot holes but the freshest one is that the confession could have happened before having to chop any fingers
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
them being best friends but then never seeing each other ever again just because is too real.
my fav part was when they drove by the little town tenoch's nanny grew up in and how that made tenoch really happy, but he kept that to himself. i think about how we can have these wholesome, full-circle moments that were just too embarrassed to share because we don't want to seem too corny or vulnerable.
need to rewatch the movie from her POV knowing that she's boutta die.
mexico is so beautiful. lowkey proud my kids are gonna potentially be half-mexican.