
Vasanthan Patron

Favorite films

  • Uncut Gems
  • Joyland
  • Dev.D
  • Subramaniapuram

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  • Secretary


  • Presence


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  • Chellamae


Recent reviews

  • Secretary



    Maggie Gyllenhaal figures highly in my list of most desirable women ever and she has kodoora sexual chemistry with Spader here. Quite the streamy movie and there's decent exploration into the minds and psyche of the deviants here (which for obvious reasons feel alien n isolating for others, one of the reasons y all other surrounding people are absent in their world despite being there), I guess that's about the scope this film goes.

  • Presence



    Entire film in the supernatural force's pov might sound tacky on paper but with the help of free slowing style of visuals, Soderbergh makes it interesting. Neat lil Indie horror with simple aspirations and simpler stakes. Narrative in how the cracks in the family is presented along with the end twist, mighty good job if not anything great.

Popular reviews

  • Amaran



    Sry ba not a fan of films that say "Ellam azharanga la paathu neeyum azhu da". I should feel it in me to cry. The man and his story deserved a better film.

    Right when the professional life arc of Major Mukund starts, there's a line in the film that goes "Stone pelting is such a nuisance here sir", I got concerned over where the film's loyalties lie. There's one other sequence where the military men are celebrating their kills…

  • Good Night

    Good Night


    Manikandan mentioned Polladhavan as a life changing film for him as he said that's the first film that presented lower middle class families speaking Madras tamil at home as normal ppl. In his own words he felt "represented" and gave him hope that ppl like him and his family can also be shown in cinema in a positive light. Felt this entirely during that fantastic opening sequence of this film which introduces Mohan and his family members. The poster campaign…