Eddie Redmayne, The next James Bond?
Everything about this shouted Bond especially the opening credits. A great episodic Cat & Mouse story with a good ending that makes me intrigued for season 2.
Eddie Redmayne, The next James Bond?
Everything about this shouted Bond especially the opening credits. A great episodic Cat & Mouse story with a good ending that makes me intrigued for season 2.
I didn't enjoy this as much as I expected I think it just missed some pretty crucial explanations that the story desperately needed. That being said Neil Patrick Harris was great in every scene, a nice return for Bonnie Langford as Melanie and Ncuti Gatwa had a promising start.
If this is the last time we ever Tennant as the Doctor is was a nice send off for the character that defined the show for my childhood but there was just something not quite right with this special
I've got to be brutally honest here and it hurts me to say it but I'm not excited for any of these new episodes. I like Ncuti Gatwa as the doctor but this was just bad in my opinion it was boring it didn't have a compelling villain or story.
It may be my bias of old doctor who but I don't think since Matt Smith they have been able to capture what made Doctor Who special and unfortunately if this episode is anything to go off we may be waiting a lot longer