

Letting maya love me the way that I am, would be like letting her catch a disease.

Favorite films

  • Words on Bathroom Walls
  • Bones and All
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Beautiful Boy

Recent activity

  • Dune


  • Ever After


  • Call Me by Your Name


  • Beautiful Boy


Recent reviews

  • Dune



    “The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. A process that cannot be understood by stopping it. We must move with the flow of the process. We must join it. We must flow with it.”

  • Ever After

    Ever After


    watched this for  ELA actually so bomb tho like watch it

Popular reviews

  • Baby Reindeer

    Baby Reindeer


    This is a show and I didn’t watch it today but I HAVE to leave a review saying Richard is such a strong individual and seeing people rate this low and ridicule Donny hurts to see because it was a true story. 

  • Companion



    Its like I don’t know it’s like there’s this thick black cloud covering everything

    Like we see the world but we don’t really see the world y’know?

    We’re all just stumbling around, directionless.. no sense of meaning no sense of purpose.

    I know that might sound super depressing but honestly I think it’s a good thing.

    Because it makes us appreciate the other times, those brief transcendent moments when the lights flicker on.

    The black cloud parts and you see the world for what it really is.. and suddenly there’s meaning. 

    suddenly there’s purpose.