Otso Pänttönen

Otso Pänttönen

Favorite films

  • First Blood
  • Thief
  • The Wicker Man
  • Under the Skin

Recent activity

  • Wizards


  • Two Thousand Maniacs!


  • Network


  • (500) Days of Summer


Recent reviews

  • Wizards




    One full extra star for style, the vibes and sheer audacity of this project! Otherwise a pretty decent sci-fi-/fantasy-animation film with ideas better than the execution. Still thought it was pretty awesome!

    You had all the Bakshi hallmarks here with big booba-scantily clad women, goblins, rotoscoping, characters doing "adult stuff" for self-serving purposes and dubious, off-hand remarks that "almost" feel racist or otherwise prejudiced. That's 70's edginess for you! Just here, for every shot of hard nipples, you also…

  • Two Thousand Maniacs!

    Two Thousand Maniacs!


    At some point I realized that this was playing with same stuff as Wicker Man! As in, the use of diegetic music enhanced the dread by being very dichotomical to what was shown. Musical horror! While maybe not as concise and well made as Wicker Man, this was surely memorable and quite unique, with the dixieland-rural horror! I don't know how early this film is in the southern horror-thing, but I would imagine it's quite early! Was a pleasant surprise…

Popular reviews

  • W



    Sorry to my international followers, but I must write this one in Finnish. I'll say that go and see this film as a (failed) experiment, a sub-par Lynch-/Cronenberg-pastiche(?), and an interesting (vanity) project from a Finnish pop-schlager singer. Yes, really. Not very good, not interesting in the sense that it's really worth seeing, but it's something. Go figure...

    Ja sitten Suomeksi.

    Anna Erikssonin kehitys iskelmälaulajasta "auteur-elokuvantekijäksi" (lainausmerkit siksi, koska Eriksson todella kutsuu itseään auteuriksi) on kiinnostanut minua todella suuresti. Pääsin…

  • Carry-On


    Watched this from another person's phone screen on a flight. The dude kept switching shows and films like every 30 mins., but I saw most of this one over his shoulder, without any sound. GET REAL.

    Jason Bateman was cast to be an intimidating goon here and I chuckled at that. Obnoxiously crap overall, so didn't bother me that much...
