

Favorite films

  • Stalker
  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • Andrei Rublev
  • Léon: The Professional

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  • Golden Boy


  • Only Yesterday


  • Porco Rosso


  • Ballad of a Soldier


Recent reviews

  • Golden Boy

    Golden Boy


    It can sound wierd, and not every budy will agre with me but I think this is one the moast lifefull film I ever seen.

    Some times it is sinfull like we people are some times, and getting in trubble of that sins. but only the feeling of life when our mind opens up again can safe us an even make us paradoxally greater then we was befor that.

    I strongly recomend this anime, an mayby you get something for you too to think about.

    (Or my be i am wierd).

  • Only Yesterday

    Only Yesterday


    A great animated movie by Ghibli studio, some prepers young side of me to grow follward.

    I love it!
    Love how every thing is made by passion and love to everyone.

    I hope that thows how need this feeling and feel right now lonly can finde this movie for them selfs.

Popular reviews

  • Ballad of a Soldier

    Ballad of a Soldier


    Хорошый, добрыйи и душевный фильм ! Который дает многим паколениям пример как важно помогять знакомым, близким идаже незнакомым в сложные минуты. Даже когда у самого не всегда лутше и любить матушку свою дорогую.
