

Favorite films

  • The Love Witch
  • Fallen Angels
  • Jennifer's Body
  • Howl's Moving Castle

Recent activity

  • Companion


  • The Piano Teacher


  • The Room Next Door


  • The Farewell


Recent reviews

  • Companion




  • The Piano Teacher

    The Piano Teacher


    insane woman who uses sex as self harm and is sooo kinky and has desires so sinful and repressed that a man who just wants to love and penetrate her is repulsed by her so he beats her up and rapes her to prove her that she does not actually like it. idk i'm so tired of seeing male fantasy porn and pornified violence against women framed as high art full of meanings that i am just too stupid to see. it's not that deep it's just misogyny portrayed in scenes that drag on for way too long.... why does everyone love this shit?

Popular reviews

  • Bo Burnham: Inside

    Bo Burnham: Inside


    i've heard everyone hype this up and tbh i don't understand the hype at all. this was so unbearable to watch that i only made it like halfway through and even getting that far was a challenge. ""self awareness"" without actually being self aware at all, white guy making jokes about white people (oh how revolutionary), trying to be relatable by pretending that being fucking rich doesn't effect his life at all (but then once again making ""self aware""" jokes…

  • Laurence Anyways

    Laurence Anyways


    soooo surprise surprise, laurence anyways is an addition to the list of movies that pretend to tell a story about a trans person but 1) no trans people are involved in the making of it 2) the whole story is actually centered around cis people and HOW HARD it is to have someone close to you transition blah blah blah... and just because it's a pretty indie film and they speak FRENCH and the director is gay doesn't make it…
