Leonardo Ulloa 📽

Leonardo Ulloa 📽 Pro

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Fight Club
  • Schindler's List
  • Titanic

Recent activity

  • Pulse 3

  • Pulse 2: Afterlife

  • Blow Out


  • Don Jon


Recent reviews

  • Pulse 3

    Pulse 3

    Salwa: I want to turn it off, but... I can't.

  • Pulse 2: Afterlife

    Pulse 2: Afterlife

    Amy: It hurts now, sweetheart. It won't always.

Popular reviews

  • Ticket to Paradise

    Ticket to Paradise


    Georgia: Excuse me, ma'am, I need to seat somewhere else. We used to be married.

    David: Worst 19 years of my life.

    Georgia: We were only married for five.

    David: I'm counting the recovery.

  • Wonka



    Noodle: What are you doing?

    Willy Wonka: I'm making chocolate, of course. How do you like it? Dark? White? Nutty? Absolutely insane.