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Favorite films

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Se7en
  • Black Swan
  • Perfect Blue

Recent activity

  • The Monkey


  • Interstellar


  • Melo Movie


  • Nosferatu


Recent reviews

  • The Monkey

    The Monkey


    this is so unserious whatthefuck 😭

  • Nosferatu



    Just a story about a lonely girl longing for companionship :(

    Never watched any Nosferatu tale adaptation before, but this one felt so well executed. The eerie atmosphere and cinematography were a feast for my eyes. This movie doesn’t rely on jumpscares as its main focus, but when it does, they’re executed in the perfect amount and in the most effective and impactful way 🥲. Most importantly, i enjoyed it a looooot, been waiting since last year, and it did not disappoint! <3

Popular reviews

  • Stealing Raden Saleh

    Stealing Raden Saleh


    Been a long time since i'm this satisfied over an Indonesian movie, maybe it's bcs the first time ever with this heist genre?! The realistic reasoning behind the heist, the amateur plan of the heist, their bond, the jokes, semuanya passs. It's a fast paced movie yang bikin 2 jam setengah ga kerasa sama sekali. Meskipun menurut aku masih ada beberapa plot hole, awkward, unnatural and unnecessary scenes tapi masih oke dan ga mengganggu secara keseluruhan. Masih ada banyak pertanyaan tentang beberapa karakter dan plot yang unfinished dan mungkin terjawab di sequel? YUHUUU overall sangat terhibur!
    P.S. Aghniny Haque u can step on me sis.

  • Evil Dead

    Evil Dead


    This is so entertaining and amusing for 2013 me 😍
