

Just keeping track of what I watch.
Every opinion I express is based on my tastes and my knowledge, so it is absolutely subjective.

Favorite films

  • Stalker
  • High and Low
  • The Seventh Seal
  • The Lighthouse

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Anora


  • The Zero Theorem


  • Vox Lux


Recent reviews

  • Vermiglio



    Un affascinante sguardo sulla memoria storica e sull'identità culturale dell'Italia del Novecento attraverso il racconto della quotidianità del remoto villaggio alpino di Vermiglio, una bolla incastonata tra le montagne in cui il tempo sembra essersi fermato.
    Una narrazione corale che ruota intorno alle vicende della famiglia Graziadei e in particolar modo al personaggio di Lucia, la figlia maggiore, la cui storia funge da pretesto per compiere un'amara riflessione sulla condizione della donna dell'epoca e sul rapporto tra femminilità e maternità,…

  • Woman at War

    Woman at War


    The narrative structure succesfully intertwines two different storylines: on one side, the fast paced Halla’s activist mission, where the tension progresively increases due to the growing difficulty and threats; on the other one, her lower and reflective personal life.

    The main character is well-rounded and deeply complex, since she is presented as a strong and determined woman who's still can be prone to some vulnerabilities like doubts, fears and frustration, without forgetting any possible nuance. The critical point is that…

Popular reviews

  • The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse

    The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse


    "The testament of Dr. Lang"

    The movie is a worthy conclusion to an iconic trilogy and a legendary career. Every good quality of the previous chapters is still present but, at the same time, all the defects have been polished to create the recipe for the perfect detective story: untill the end a thick halo of mystery surrounds each of the characters, always leaving alive the doubt about what their real intentions are and who is embodying the role of…

  • Belfast



    All the professional reviews of this film that I have come across are extremely polarized: for everyone it is either a masterpiece or the worst film of the year. The truth, in my opinion, is somewhere in between.

    Belfast is a subjective testimony of Kenneth Branagh's childhood, who has neither the claim nor the intention to make us identify with his childhood alter ego, but only to offer a personal perspective about a time, a place and the people for…