

Favorite films

  • The Third Man
  • Mind Game
  • Perfect Blue
  • Liquid Sky

Recent activity

  • Saw X


  • Talk to Me


  • Dead End Drive-In


  • RRR


Recent reviews

  • Saw X

    Saw X


    After watching every other Saw movie over the course of 3 weeks, Ally and I finally ended our self mutilation with Saw X. We walked to the west philly theater. Also watching were a couple of college girls and a child with his father. Father must have been in the theater for less than half the movie, loudly announcing to all of us when he had to use the rest room, leaving his kid in the theater at least 3…

  • Talk to Me

    Talk to Me


    Ally had been looking forward to this movie for a while. I got free tickets from A24. We drove to king of prussia. Stood in an unnecessary line. Got free popcorn and sodey pop. She was delighted in how stressed I was the entire movie. Then it poured rain on our way out. 

    3.7/5 movie. 4.5/5 experience.

Popular reviews

  • Twin Peaks: The Return

    Twin Peaks: The Return


    Before we got the vhs copies and well before streaming, my dad had taped episodes of twin peaks that we would all sit around and watch. At 9 years old my job was to sit on the ground and fast foward through the commercials. Ive watched the first two seasons several times, the movie a couple, and just rewatched them preparing to binge season 3 in the last 4 days. 

    It was great. I expected change and to be honest,…

  • Annihilation



    Just wanted to share a quick thought about the importance of an all female cast in Annihilation vs an all male cast in The Thing. If you have seen both movies, you already know the similarities, but one differences is the gender of the cast. In The Thing, the crew is all men who fight with the thing a very "manly" way, which is violently with fire or "logically" with tying all the men down, completely throwing away any compassion…