Caio Anthenor

Caio Anthenor

Favorite films

  • Cinema Paradiso
  • Kung Fu Hustle
  • Night Is Short, Walk On Girl
  • Belladonna of Sadness

Recent activity

  • Roman Holiday


  • Jerry Maguire


  • Tootsie


  • The Proposal


Recent reviews

  • A Stranger Among Us: Searching for Nick Drake

    A Stranger Among Us: Searching for Nick Drake

    Fascinating character, but the docummentary completely fails at capturing any of that fascination. Maybe it would have been different if it had a format to begin with, in its current state its composed of nothing but aimless conversations and surprisingly boring speculation. You'd think that by being the main focus of the entire piece you'd at least get some insight inside the head of Nick Drake and his music.

    You'd be wrong.

  • Vice



    Embarassing cringe

Popular reviews

  • A Gunman Named Papaco

    A Gunman Named Papaco


    Antes de Skylab descobrir a vala filosófica que é o conceito cósmico do cu, houve Papaco, o grande herói bissexual do cinema brasileiro.

    Os olhos de Deus batem sobre esse filme, e ele próprio se sente envergonhado por não ter concebido um uso tão sofisticado de genitais. Basta dizer que se Mário Vaz Filho tivesse sido o responsável pelo Gênesis, as coisas seriam muito diferentes.

    De hoje em diante, nas noites mais escuras, quando os sussurros da escuridão me afligirem…

  • Brendan Schaub: You'd Be Surprised

    Brendan Schaub: You'd Be Surprised

    Some really hacky jokes, poor storytelling, Jim Norton levels of physical comedy and asian jokes.
