Azar Widadsyah

Azar Widadsyah

I'm lost in motions and stories.

Favorite films

  • A Brighter Summer Day
  • Haru
  • Chungking Express
  • Before Sunrise

Recent activity

  • The Brutalist


  • Fallen Leaves


  • Embracing


  • Mickey 17


Recent reviews

  • A Brother and 7 Siblings

    A Brother and 7 Siblings

    Jadi emosi yang boleh gue rasain dulu cuma sedih dan nriman ya? Got it.

    Nggak pernah ada film yang bikin gue personally ngerasa diinvalidasi segininya. Perfect victim much? Satu-satunya pesan dalam film adalah keluarga ga pernah ngebebanin atau apa itu?

    Itu karakter utamanya (wow I even forgot the name padahal sepanjang film isinya dia semua) nggak punya sisi lain selain aku cinta keluarga? Ini film apaan sih? Proyek kampanye nilai-nilai ketahanan keluarga sisipan pemerintah? Preachy banget macem  jargon perusahaan family-based. …

  • Goodbye, Dragon Inn

    Goodbye, Dragon Inn


    "No one watch movies anymore.
    No one remember us anymore."

Popular reviews

  • Andragogy



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

  • Quo Vadis, Aida?

    Quo Vadis, Aida?


    What a heart-wrenching, brutally raw, and catashtropic emotions. We might argue about the moral grounds of the characters et cetera - but voila! That's genocide for us.
