Got to see Hagi, Petrescu, Dumitrescu and Raducioiu play in the snow in 1990. What a way to spend a Wednesday evening. A well refereed game by a good man.
Got to see Hagi, Petrescu, Dumitrescu and Raducioiu play in the snow in 1990. What a way to spend a Wednesday evening. A well refereed game by a good man.
Great soundtrack and not as sentimental as I suspected. Vaguely amusing.
Coming of age drama about Juana, an about 12 year-old.
I enjoyed the History teacher and equally found it bizarre that in Argentina they were learning about William the Conqueror. The U.K. really did conquer the world.
Notable moments: Juana has a problem with the plates looking perfect. I don't want them to look ugly, just not too pretty.
The teachers talking about their holidays and what they'd be getting up to. Juana listening in, confused. It felt natural and…