
WaffloBill Pro

My ratings reflect my enjoyment of the film, not necessarily the film itself.

Favorite films

  • Local Hero
  • The Thing
  • The Holy Mountain
  • The In-Laws

Recent activity

  • After Hours


  • District B13


  • Cold Harvest


  • Alien


Recent reviews

  • After Hours

    After Hours


    Dark, hilarious and never predictable. Expertly manages to be tightly structured while simultaneously maintaining a dream- like that perfectly straddles the line between complete nightmare and overt farce.  I’ve always put it in the same category as “The Out of Towners” (1970) and “Quick Change”. These films where New York itself is a monster attacking hapless “innocents” who may not be an innocent as they seem. The Out of Towners has a mean streak that runs through it that makes…

  • District B13

    District B13


    Tight, packed with creative action and opens with one of the all time best foot chases. (It’s fighting with Point Break’s handheld pursuit for the number one spot.) Great chemistry between our leads keeps the few moments between action scenes fun and snappy. The only knock is that it opening sequence is so strong and original the rest of the movie just can’t ever quite reach that amazing high again.

Popular reviews

  • Demons



    Not gory so much as it is...wet? Let's just call it "fluid-forward" since I'm not sure exactly what the bright green, viscous liquid that oozes from the mouths of the demons actually is. Anyhoo, bunch of randos attend a sneak preview of a horror film and then get attacked by demons, who are really more like zombies, while trapped inside the world's most cavernous movie theater. Manages to be both highly atmospheric and outrageously silly in equal measure. None of…

  • Eraserhead



    Beautiful. Unsettling. Riveting. The Lady in the Radiator song is so strange and compelling—I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Crazy to look back and see how many of Lynch’s trademarks and obsessions were there from the start—pattered floors, lights fixtures that barely emit any light,  damp earth, insects, haunting female singers…sigh, RIP sir.