

Favorite films

  • Merry-Go-Round
  • City Girl
  • The Cremator
  • A Woman Like Eve

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  • Antonia's Line

  • A Woman Like Eve


  • But I'm a Cheerleader

  • My Sunshine

Recent reviews

  • A Woman Like Eve

    A Woman Like Eve


    Er zaten een aantal mensen in de zaal die de film hadden gezien toen die in 1979 uitkwam, jaloers.

  • A Streetcar Named Desire

    A Streetcar Named Desire


    "Straight? What's 'straight'? A line can be straight, or a street. But the heart of a human being?"

Popular reviews

  • Babygirl


    Ja nee flop

  • Alice in the Cities

    Alice in the Cities

    “The inhuman thing about American TV is not so much that they hack everything up with commercials, though that's bad enough, but in the end all programs become commercials. Commercials for the status quo. Every image radiates the same disgusting and nauseated message. A kind of boastful contempt. Not one image leaves you in peace, they all want something from you.”