You hope stories like Farha are in the past and reminders of the mistakes of the world but till this DAYYY this story can not be more relevant.
To the many Farhas im so sorry we have failed you 🥲
I genuinely lost hope that I was ever going to finish AOT after I dropped s2 mid way when it came out. approx. 10 yrs later I started a new and I did not understand why I dropped it.
There was no character, no plot, no dynamic, no background story and no episode nonsensical. Everything fits and after a week of watching this movie I am still thinking about so many things I missed and admire. I am sick that…
RIP Frollo you would have loved the incel community other than that the pacing of this movie was good for my brain chemistry
David was right I left the theater thinking Benji was a charsmatic and honest guy.