Qi Xi

Qi Xi Pro

Favorite films

  • Mirror
  • Yi Yi
  • Happy Hour

Recent activity

  • Anatomy of a Fall


  • Grand Jete


  • Dune: Part Two


  • Scale


Recent reviews

  • Anatomy of a Fall

    Anatomy of a Fall


    UME Xintiandi, 4.5/5. I love the film, and thought about it from time to time in the following days.

    What attracted me most is that it forms a close approximation through combination of evidence shooting, experiment animation and playing of recording; Justine Triet highlighted the characteristics of clips from different sources, like their image quality, how the view can add softening light and zoom/polly inhumanly fast (which might be the recreation of scene in the testimony); she also mentioned to…

  • Grand Jete

    Grand Jete


    #R# 4.0/5. A film about body/dance. I really like the camerawork, which keeps watching a body of a middle-aged dancer whose body is both exploited/infused by her dancing career. The film focuses on the scars (I’m particularly impressed by the focus on the scars carved on the bed frame, a direct implication of pain that connects to her scarred past), and using a perspective (subjective, fragmented, and cold) that looks down obliquely through ballet studios, homes, and clubs. By the…

Popular reviews

  • Today Is My Day Off

    Today Is My Day Off


    #CCTV6# 那个时候的电影还是蛮有趣的啦~ 有种特别的审美。

    #CCTV6# The movies were fun back then, but they had a special aesthetic.

  • You're Not Normal, Either!

    You're Not Normal, Either!


    #R# 2.7分。如果没有成田凌肯定是熬不过去的。感觉这种非常类型化的日本电影广泛存在,所有人似乎都能感受到某种强烈的社会规训对自己的控制,但是只是这样隔靴搔痒的治愈故事可能根本长久安慰不到一个正在与此类规训撕扯的个人。