
holden🪬 Pro

harrison ford fanboy

Favorite films

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • Once Upon a Time in the West
  • Suspiria

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  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


  • Snow White


Recent reviews

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


    rewatching the original snow white after putting myself through the live-action re-telling made me appreciate it even more, strong contender for one of the greatest films ever made.

    you can feel the artistry, passion and talent oozing from this film. almost 100 years later and, to me, it still hasn’t been surpassed.

    eternally grateful that this is what i grew up with.

  • The Holiday

    The Holiday


    dream case scenario

Popular reviews

  • Heavy Metal

    Heavy Metal


    Heavy Metal feels like a fevered dream sketched in neon. The opening sequence alone is a pulsing, erratic bit, reminiscent of 80s cartoons like Thundercats and pre-renaissance era disney but if thise unburdened by the constraints of logic or sense. It's an almost anarchic experience. It does kind of obviously take a few pages from Fantasia's book of psychedelic animation. But unlike these projects, Heavy Metal, in its essence, is not about clarity or structure. It's about the collision of color…

  • Conclave



    This movie thrives on the allure of secrecy, it taps into the same mystery that surrounds high profile societies—groups like the Illuminati or the Freemasons. It's like you're watching one of their shadowy, secretive meetings while they influence the course of history as the world remains oblivious to what's happening behind the Vatican's walls.

    What makes this premise even better is watching these powerful men scheme, lie, form alliances, and be petty like high schoolers, reminding us that even world…
