Matthew Miśkiewicz

Matthew Miśkiewicz

Cooper from Trap understander
One of the reasons why people dislike Letterboxd

Favorite films

  • First Reformed
  • Eraserhead
  • The Thing
  • Blow Out

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Coyote #1

  • Memory Film


  • The Disc of Sorrow Is Installed


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    "What's it feel like to die?"

    A fun time to be had but far from being one of Bong's greatest hits. The absolute strongest moments here are the comedic and romantic scenes (it's a big year for real yearners) and everyone gives it their best. It is only when the film is trying to be serious that it's on faulty ground. The editing and cinematography that works well for the funny sequences is also used during these serious scenes and…

  • Rope



    "I've always thought that it was out of character for David to drink anything as corrupt as whiskey."
    "Out of character for him to be murdered, too."

    Very suspenseful, very ambitious, very gay, it's funny to call a deconstruction of the reactionary intelligentsia "engaging", but Hitchcock knows how to do it. I really hope this film gets a proper re-emergence so we can see a bunch of fan edits between John Dall and Farley Granger.

Popular reviews

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  • The Invisible War

    The Invisible War

    Siema jestem Vega, w nowym filmie poruszę ważny temat MOJEGO seksu i MOJEGO penisa