
wgorans Pro

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  • Good Morning
  • Burning
  • Cure
  • Drive My Car

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  • Michael Clayton


  • Bicycle Thieves


  • Battleship Potemkin

Recent reviews

  • Bicycle Thieves

    Bicycle Thieves


    Bruno ❤️

  • Battleship Potemkin

    Battleship Potemkin

    Wonder how many times they rattled that baby in the carriage.

Popular reviews

  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind

    Close Encounters of the Third Kind


    Wow. What a massive blind spot for me. 

    Watched the Director’s Cut.

    Sort of terrifying at the start, but winds up incredibly beautiful and hopeful.  I felt like a child watching this, Spielberg is so good at inducing that sense of wonder in the viewer. The ending really blew me away.

    Do not know how they found the perfect little boy to be Barry. Absolutely floored by the performance they brought out of him.

    Music as communication. Two intergalactic keyboardists just trying to speak the same language. Amazing.

    Not absolutely *perfect*, but damn close. Loved this. Beam me up.

  • Memoria



    I already get sleepy during movies so this one was tough but I keep thinking about it. Felt like I was in a daze the entire time. Still images started to bend in weird ways. I’m gonna make my parents watch this and they will never ask me for a recommendation again.