Widia Kharis

Widia Kharis

“Will we forget things if we have no one to tell them to?”

Favorite films

  • A Separation
  • Good Morning
  • Close-Up
  • The Tale of The Princess Kaguya

Recent activity

  • 45 Years


  • Ninjababy


  • Drifting Clouds


  • Swallow


Recent reviews

  • 45 Years

    45 Years


    Kate is my retroactive jealousy grandma.

  • The Match Factory Girl

    The Match Factory Girl


    As the name suggests, Kaurismäki’s Proletariat Trilogy shines a light on the lives of the working class and marginalized folks in Finland during the '80s. Though each of the three films stands alone, they’re all connected by a single theme: loneliness that sparks a desperate need for love. The mundane, soul-crushing jobs of the working class leave the characters yearning for emotional release, leading them into rushed, impulsive relationships.

    In the first two films, Shadows in Paradise (1986) and Ariel

Popular reviews

  • Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu

    Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu

    Berhubung saya belum baca novelnya, jadi yang terlintas pertama kali di pikiran saya setelah nonton film ini adalah: “Ini beneran Puthut EA nulis cerita kayak gini?” Soalnya saya cukup ngikutin esai-esainya Puthut EA, dan saya suka. Tapi jujur aja nih, filmnya nggak banget.

    Dialognya wagu, menggelikan, nggak natural. Dari awal sampai akhir, setiap tokoh berebut pengen ngasih ceramah soal kehidupan. Capek banget, coy, sepanjang film diberondong quotes sok puitis dan narasi kontemplatif tentang takdir, waktu, cinta, tai kucing. Trying so…

  • Le Pupille

    Le Pupille


    Serafina, you ate that, girl!
