
Wildbear Pro

Favorite films

  • La Dolce Vita
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Vertigo
  • Sweet Smell of Success

Recent activity

  • Barking Dogs Never Bite


  • Hunt for the Wilderpeople


  • Boy


  • Mother


Recent reviews

  • Barking Dogs Never Bite

    Barking Dogs Never Bite


    "Today we'll look at some charts on modern behaviorism."

    It's a dog-eat-dog world, as it turns out... This is a strange film that in many ways resists pat commentary, with digressions like Boiler Kim(!) taking large chunks of the running time, and only a dim sense of socioeconomic hardships binding its unemployed academic and about-to-be-fired bookkeeper, thematically speaking. I liked it a lot, but it also drags at times, and I grew frustrated when Bong skips not one (the scene…

  • Hunt for the Wilderpeople

    Hunt for the Wilderpeople


    Not so majestical...

Popular reviews

  • Godland



    Turns out to be a work of deep irony - though there are evident mocking notes throughout - but it is also incredibly and inadvertently silly at more or less every critical juncture. Every “shocking” character action feels contrived and just plain flimsy. Unlike most I also happened to find the supposed arduousness and physicality of the journey very unconvincing in that there is no real sense of imminent danger or “not making it,” despite the fact that [SPOILERS ALERT]…

  • Ex Machina

    Ex Machina


    Too hermetically sealed and pristine for its own good. All its speculation and handling of AI and human hubris are all too familiar and predictable and there isn’t a moment throughout this ostensible thriller that truly surprises or alarms. (Yes, I’ve seen it before - and was highly impressed as a high schooler - but that doesn’t negate the fact that it offers very little in hindsight or for more experienced eyes.) Oscar Isaac’s frat douche billionaire is entertaining though; his nonchalant “I’m gonna tear up the fucking dance floor dude, check it out.” (and ensuant dance) is pure gold.