

Favorite films

  • Apocalypse Now
  • The Graduate
  • Adult Behaviour… It's All in the Mind
  • 8½

Recent activity

  • The Specials


  • The Intouchables


  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Recent reviews

  • The Intouchables

    The Intouchables


    My cup of tea

  • A Respectable Life

    A Respectable Life


    Fyfan kan sitta och lyssna på Kenta i timmar. Den där gamla Stockholmskan med alla fräsiga ord får gärna komma tillbaka. Sån jävla charmig snubbe. 

    Kenta åtsido, denna dokumentär innehåller så mycket mer än sköna snubbar. Den tar upp allt  ifrån Arv&Miljö, underklassen och missbruk. Stockholm känns verkligen som en sån jävla karg och kall stad i denna dokumentär och för mig kommer den alltid och vara det. Finns en charm i det också på något vis.

Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    Second viewing

    The tempo is to fast for me, and i get that its necessary for the story but ffs it goes to fast. And the whole movie feels like a never ending intro sometimes. It also pains me that the editing don’t allow me to land and digest some of the pictures. Like cmon you have one of the best cunematographers shooting imax… LET ME SEE THE PICTURE FOR MORE THEN HALF A SEC BEFORE CUTTING!!!!

    Something i did…

  • Man Bites Dog

    Man Bites Dog


    I understand why this movies is/got banned. Its fucking good tho.

    Everybody prob knows the story, a film team makes a documentary about a murdering psychopath and gets more and more involved with his business bla bla bla

    Its a fucked up movie with fucked up shit in it that leaves you speechless in good or bad ways. I was utterly disgusted by a scene that was fucking vicious while also in another scene I laughed so hard and it was so funny haha. And if a movie can do that its a good movie… The leading actor is crazy good aswell
