

Favorite films

  • Train to Busan
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Fallen Angels
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Recent activity

  • Bert Kreischer: Lucky


  • The NeverEnding Story


  • Interstellar


  • Doodlebug


Recent reviews

  • Bert Kreischer: Lucky

    Bert Kreischer: Lucky


    The Meh-iest of mehs for me...

  • The NeverEnding Story

    The NeverEnding Story


    Quite magical, i think it has that 80s cheese sometimes, not in a good way but the mastery of practical filmmaking at display provides that authentic sense of childhood wonder. Deffinitely worth the watch.

Popular reviews

  • Mermaids



    Хората са написали достатъчно смешни ревюта, затова аз просто ще се насладя на нервната си криза. Гледах този филм на 20.09.2024 година. Бях под въздействието на психоактивни вещества, защото това е единственият начин подобна подигравка с всичко свято на тaзи земя да има какъвто и да било entertainment value. Влязох в залата, очаквайки да го мразя и излязох, мразейки го повече отколкото очаквах.

    Важно е да спомена, че освен мен и също толкова задръстеният ми приятел, единствените други хора на…

  • Petya of My Petya

    Petya of My Petya

    This had potential and there are aspects of it that I like, genuine glimmers of quality that are incredibly rare in bulgarian cinema these days and all that. Interesting cinematography for once, nice sets, everything done on location, great color correction and grading. I appreciate the attempt to start a conversation around mental health in young people which is incredibly commendable considering how neglected the topic is worldwide but especially in the country this was made in and especially in…
