
Wolandester Patron

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Apocalypse Now
  • Pulp Fiction
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Recent activity

  • Anora


  • Sherlock Jr.


  • Battle Royale


  • The Host


Pinned reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    I have a very complicated relationships with this film. I watched it in on a really bad day, with horrible well-being and, after watching it, I was completely shattered. It has been so gross, unwell and just hard-to-watch experience that I gave it 0.5 stars. The day after the movie, I tried to write this review (negative of course). But the more I analyze movie and my experience, the more I found good things in it. My rating went up…

  • Kinds of Kindness

    Kinds of Kindness


    "...some of them want to use you
    Some of them want to be used by you..."

    Absurd, dark humour, cannibalism, self-harm, dog fuck and nihilism. All these beautiful things you can find in this fairytale for the whole family!

    "Kinds of kindness" is a multilayered sandwich, which can mean nothing and everything. It depends on your interpretation of anagram "R.M.F.". Is it "Remorse Manipulation Fanaticism" or just "Random Male Figure"? Only Lanthimos himself knows.

Recent reviews

  • Nosferatu



    Eggers tried so hard to make Orlock look more Slavic, that he made a new Taras Bulba instead.

  • Squid Game

    Squid Game


    Season 2

Popular reviews

  • Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny

    Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny


    Яйца Судьбы-это искромётная сатира над всем российским обществом после 90-х годов, которая охватывает собой темы классового неравенства, рабской сути капитализма (выраженная в доходящем до абсурда служении начальнику) и притеснения мигрантов из-за языкового/социального/культурного барьера. Этическая дилемма между продолжением эксплуатации рабочих как рабов в свою выгоду и освобождением их из трудовых оков капитализма, показанная через сюжетную линию персонажа Светлакова. 

    Но кроме того, картина задается вопросом-что есть истинное счастье? Бесконечная жажда власти за получение трех яиц (которые могут быть метафорой трех ветвей власти…

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


    Great final of the trilogy!
    It has some small issues (such as unnecessary jokes, extra story lines), but altogether we have a brilliant story, characters, script, directing and important message about disruption of the natural order of things.
    First really good Marvel movie since Endgame.